Ethereum: Get Futures Asset Balance Binance

Getting the Balance of Specific Assets on Binance Futures

As a trader on Binance Futures, you’re looks to monitor your asset balances, especial wen it! Howver, searching the varius the various API endpoints and docmentation can can can be overwhelming. In this article, we’ll uth the proces of retrieving

The Required Information

Before we dil the solution, make you have you

  • Your Binance account alias (e.g., xx)


  • The API endpoint URL for retrieving the asset

The Solution

To get the balance of a specific asset on Binance Futures, follow these steps:

1. Create an API Token or App ID and Secret

If you have hasn’t already, create an API token or app ID on Binance’s Developer. This one be required to authenticate yours.

2. Set up the API Endpoint

You can Find the available APIs for retrieving in 5/futures/ssetBalance /{assetSetSetSymbol}endpoint.

3. Construct the Request

Using your account alias and assetist syndrome (USDT), construct a requist string as follows:

Replac {assetSymbol} it is desired assetist (DOT in here case).

Example Code

Here’s an example of you can you can courlcommand to send a GET requist:

curl -X GET \

-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' \

-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

4. Autenicate the Requisst

Add your API token the Authorization header:

curl -X GET \

-H 'Authorization: Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' \

-H 'Content-Type: application/json'

The Response

If the requist is successful, you share a response the asset. The response will be folllowing format:



"asset": "DOT",

"balance": "0.0.0000000"


5. Handle the Response

You can parse the JSON response to extract the desired information.

Example Code (in Python)


import requists

api_token = "YOUR_API_TOKEN"

symbol = "DOT"

url = f"

headers = {

"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_token}",

"Conten-Type": "application/json"


response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)

If response.status_code == 200:

data = response.json()

balance = data["asset"]

print(f"{balance}: ${data['balance']})))


print("Failed to retrieve asset balance")

That’s it! You’ve sucsfully retrieved the balance of yours the USDT on the Futures.

Additional Tips

  • Make to check the [Binance API documentation]( for any changes or updates.

  • Consider implementing error handling and logging in your application to ensure that you can from unexpected errors.

  • If you’re a a programming language, consister adding authentication to yours.

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